> stories > Ongoingness Magazine. Issue#01

Ongoingness: the quality or characteristic of being ongoing and continuing. (Collins English Dictionary) We have been spending time reflecting on how ongoingness has played out in our own lives and what it means for us to create and curate digital content that can enable dynamic relationships between people - by focusing on our own idiosyncrasies. In response we have all been making sketches, models, short films and artefacts to capture the dynamics of this.

We have brought our thinking and ideas together in the first issue of a project magazine that we are using for now as a tool share ideas in the team, develop design methods and examples of ongoingness playing out through digital media - with an eye on how these can be used as we move into the recruitment of collaborators/participants later this year.  We'll share our first magazine here at a later date - in broad terms the work focuses on the following themes:

  • Our own ongoingness – what this means to us.
  • Volunteering & Capturing elements of our experiences.
  • Developing examples for IoT to support dynamic relationships between family members after death.
  • Imagining scenarios for ongoingness within our lives.
  • Creating ways of engaging with media that are tactile and physical.
By breaking down our lived experiences and designing scenarios for IoT and digital media curation for ongoingness we aim to better understand some of the complexities of the project and use this understanding as a starting point for conversation within our participatory engagements.    

Written by Nantia in Aug 2018.
